Flashpoint Silicone Skin for eVOLV 200 Pocket Flash – Red

MSRP: $5.99

It’s an eVOLVfashion Red Wrap!

Slip the eVOLV 200 into something comfortable while protecting your new baby. The rubberized silicone skin adds a buffer of soft cushion to the flash body, saving it from dings and scratches, while leaving critical openings for all displays, vents and controls. You even have access and change the modular battery and head.

Want to instantly ID the unit designated for each Group? You can keep track of the mini monolight at a distance, in style. Color code the body with a variety of skin choices: Stately Black, Buoyant Blue, Glad Orange, Racy Red, Hotter Hot Pink and Blissful White. 6 vibrant ways to dress up each flash, express your mood or stand out from the photog crowd.

No, we do not have matching lipstick and nail polish yet.


  • Give Your Pocket Flah a Distinctive Look
  • Protects Against Scratches
  • Retains Access to All Buttons


  • Flashpoint Silicone Skin for eVOLV 200 Pocket Flash Red